Why Root Canal Treatment Is the Best Option for You and Your Family

Why Root Canal Treatment Is the Best Option for You and Your Family

July 1, 2020

A root canal procedure is done to remove the infected pulp in your tooth to prevent further damage from the infection. Despite the pulp’s function being growth and restoration, a mature tooth does not need it for nourishment.

At Drummond Dental Care, we have endodontists who have specialized in root canal treatment. After the procedure, the chamber is cleaned and filled up to stop bacteria from reentering.

When Do You Need a Root Canal?

    1. Abscessed Tooth

An infection formed after the tooth pulp dies, and a pus pocket formed is referred to as an abscess. The abscess can also cause a pimple ejecting pus on your gum or a foul taste in your mouth.

If not taken care of, the infection may spread into the surrounding tissues and the tooth bone. Antibiotics can only prevent the bacteria from spreading, but root canal procedures will ensure that the infected pulp is thoroughly cleaned out.

    1. Toothaches

When the tooth pulp is still alive, you will experience sensitivity when you take hot and cold drinks and food. The sensitivity will continue even after you stop taking the cold and hot beverages. Heat sensitivity is commonly associated with the need to have a root canal treatment.

The pain can advance to a headache.

When the pulp is dead, you will experience pain when you are chewing or biting. An abscessed tooth can make your cheek, neck, or jaw swell. If this happens, our dentists in Fairfax advise you to rush to the emergency room for a checkup.

For weekend emergencies, you can visit our Saturday dentist in Fairfax if you experience any pain around your tooth for an examination.

    1. Deep Tooth Cavity

When tooth decay extends to the root pulp, the pulp becomes infected. This results in the pain, inflammation, or decaying of the pulp. Other times there might be no pain at all. A root canal procedure will ensure the decayed and infected tissue is removed entirely.

    1. Fractures and Trauma

A great bang to your tooth can damage your root nerves, which may die immediately or after a long period. This situation will need root canal treatment to correct it.

There will be a need for a root canal if, after an accident, your tooth has been chipped to the pulp. Other fractures leave no crown above the gum line, leaving no support for a restoration procedure. In this situation, our dentists in Fairfax, VA, will perform a root canal treatment to make way for post-installation.

    1. Repeated Tooth Procedures

Tooth procedures can cause your tooth a lot of stress. Recurring tooth drilling can make your pulp inflame. Tests have to be done by your dentist to determine if the inflammation can be reversed or not.

What to Do After a The Procedure

  • Regular visits to the dentist near you are expected after the procedure to ensure that there are no other signs of infection.
  • Ensure proper oral dental care by brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day.
  • Avoid chewing on the side of the tooth undergoing treatment to avoid re-infection or fracturing before the restoration is done.
  • You mightexperience sensitivity after the procedure if the pulp was inflamed or painful. You can control this by using the recommended over the counter drugs by your dentist.

What are Tooth Canal Procedures Complications?

Your dentist will do their best to treat and save your tooth. Despite all that treatment, new infections might emerge. They may be as a result of:

  • Unnoticed crack on your tooth that might allow bacteria to seep in
  • Breaking of the sealing material used, resulting in recontamination of the tooth
  • More than one infected tooth pulps that have not been treated
  • Deficient tooth restoration that will allow the bacteria to penetrate the root

How to Avoid Root Canal Treatments?

When participating in sports and activities that will likely lead to accidents, you should wear mouth guards to prevent your teeth from experiencing trauma or fracturing.

Practice healthy oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist to avoid tooth decay and repeated dental procedures that affect your tooth pulp.

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